The Search for Odysseus
By Charles Way
The Search for Odysseus has enjoyed a long life – in Germany, the US and in Britain – with youth theatre companies because it is suitable for larger cast.
The play tells the story of the Odyssey from the point of view of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. When Odysseus does not return with the other soldiers after the Trojan War, Telemachus sets out to find him and in so doing embarks on a voyage of self discovery.
Cast size
The play can be performed by six actors doubling.
- Athene
- Odysseus
- Telemachus
- Penelope
- Eurymachus
- Eurycleia
- Alcinous
- Laodomus
- Nausicaa
- Arete
- Cyclops
- Achilles
- Calypso
- Cast /messengers, Chorus/Calypso’s helpers.
Production history
The Search for Odysseus was first produced by the now-defunct Made in Wales Stage Company.
Available from
- First published by Aurora Metro Press in an anthology Young Blood
- Also available from Amazon
- The Search for Odysseus is also now published as a single title by Longman School Drama
- Also available from Amazon
- A German translation is available from Theaterstückverlag München
Age suitability
Suitable for older children and teenagers.